Sunday, October 23, 2016
Favorite Kindergarten Music Activities

Favorite Kindergarten Music Activities

As I wrote about in this blog post, teaching Kindergarten is so different than any other grade! They are at times so sweet, at other times so needy...and their attention span is about as short as they are! That being said, I truly enjoy teaching Kindergarten music. Today, I thought I'd blog about my favorite activities to do with Kindergarteners...the activities that I look forward to teaching, and the ones that they ask for lesson after lesson!

Favorite Kindergarten activities for the music classroom, including a singing game, movement activities, and more!

#1: Grizzly Bear
I first started teaching this song several years ago, to practice the musical opposites loud and quiet, and oh my goodness, I'm so glad I did! It's one of their all-time favorites, and there is something so magical about waking the bear!

Grizzly Bear: A FUN singing game for loud and quiet! Blog post includes other activities for your music lessons!

The kids love the song, as it starts very quietly and gets louder and louder, until they shout, "Roar" at the end! For the game, I have students walk in a circle, counter-clockwise, until they repeat the first phrase. Then on "Please be very quiet," students stay still and put a finger to their lips. For "If you wake him, if you shake him..." students step louder and louder to the beat until they roar at the end! (I have them put their hands up like they are claws when they roar!) One child pretends to be a sleeping bear in the middle as all of the movement is going on, and then on "Roar," that kid stands up and tries to tag one student. I have one spot that is the safe zone (my white board).

#2: Engine Engine
This is such a great chant, because it can be used to teach loud/quiet ("Let's say it like a baby is sleeping on the train!" "Now like there's a party on the train!"), to teach fast/slow ("Let's say it like a train going uphill!" "Now like a train going downhill!"), to teach steady beat, and for vocal exploration (when students make a train whistle sound.) I often lead students into the room chugging like a train, then have them say "Engine Engine" much, in fact, that they often start chugging like a train as soon as they see me! Here is the chant notation:

#3: Freeze dance
What kid DOESN'T like freeze dance? I'd been doing freeze dance for many years, and then I read this blog post by my friend Karla Cherwinski on our collaborative blog Kodaly Corner, and she referenced these free freeze dance signs by Artie Almeida. I LOVE them! They can be used with any freeze dance, and are so good for gross motor movement and critical thinking (when they see the signs with 2 or 3 kids on them, you can see the wheels turning very quickly in their heads as they figure out what to do!) I like to do freeze dance with the "Potpourri" recording from any of Eric Chapelle's CD's, like the one below, as the track includes several different pieces of music with pauses built in:

#4: Bunny Game
This might be my very favorite Kindergarten activity! I created this while taking pedagogy lessons with Dr. Timothy Caldwell at Central Michigan University. They beg to play it, and it's a great activity to prepare and practice high/low, as students have to figure out whether you are playing a high or low trill to wiggle their nose or tail. You can get the bunny game directions for free by subscribing to my email list (and if you've already subscribed, no worries, I won't be sending you duplicate emails!)

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The directions should have everything you need to know to play it, but if you would like to see it in action, here is a Facebook Live video, in which I demonstrate what I play during the bunny game!

#5: Mr. Stingy Man
I learned this songtale while I was student teaching, with Paul Rose, in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. I've used it every year since, and I have to say, there is something truly magical about just telling a story. No technology, no pictures, just me and the story and a group of kids listening and singing along! Here is the story, but here is a Facebook Live video with me telling it, so you can hear how it flows!

Once upon a time there was a farmer who lived on a big, big farm. He had lots of animals—cows, pigs, sheep (ask for student suggestions)—and he also had a rooster. The rooster’s job was to wake him up every morning. The rooster loved doing this for the farmer, but there was something else he loved—his silver dollar. He loved this silver dollar so much that he slept with it under his wing every night so that no one would steal it.

Across the street from the farmer, there was a very rich man named Mr. Stingy Man. Mr. Stingy Man lived in a huge house called a mansion with hundreds of rooms. He had so much money, but as much money as he had, he wanted even more. One day he found out about the rooster’s silver dollar, and do you know what he did? He waited until the rooster was sleeping, and then he gently lifted the rooster’s wing and took his silver dollar! Then he went to one of his secret rooms, and inside was a safe. He opened up with the safe with three numbers. (Take student suggestions for the three numbers, and tell them to lock those three numbers inside their heads for later.) Then he put the silver dollar in the safe and locked it up!

The next morning, the rooster woke up and stretched, and then he realized, he was missing his silver dollar! He just knew that Mr. Stingy Man had taken it, because Mr. Stingy Man was the stingiest man in the world. He flew up to Mr. Stingy Man’s bedroom window and started singing:

(Lyrics: Hey Mister Stingy Man, listen to me holler, Cock a doodle doodle do, give me back my dollar!)

Mr. Stingy Man was very upset the rooster woke him up, and told his brother Fred to put the rooster into the well, where there was lots of water! Fred grabbed the rooster and put him into the well. But the rooster was smart and started singing:

(Lyrics: Belly, belly, belly, suck up all the water!)

His belly got bigger and bigger and bigger. Then, he flew out of the well, back up to Mr. Stingy Man’s bedroom window, and started singing (“Hey, Mr. Stingy Man”.)

Mr. Stingy Man was again very upset the rooster woke him up, and told his brother Fred to put the rooster into the furnace, where there was lots of fire! Fred grabbed the rooster and put him into the furnace. But the rooster was smart and started singing:

(Lyrics: Belly, belly, belly, let out all the water!)

Then, he flew out of the well, back up to Mr. Stingy Man’s bedroom window, and started singing (“Hey, Mr. Stingy Man”.)

Mr. Stingy Man was again very upset the rooster woke him up, and told his brother Fred to put the rooster into the beehive, where there were lots of bees! Fred grabbed the rooster and put him into the beehive. But the rooster was smart and started singing:

(Lyrics: Belly, belly, belly, suck up all the bees!)

His belly got bigger and bigger and bigger. Then, he flew out of the beehive, back up to Mr. Stingy Man’s bedroom window, and started singing (“Hey, Mr. Stingy Man”.)

Mr. Stingy Man was so very upset the rooster woke him up, do you know what color his face was? (Take student suggestions.) It was so red it was almost purple! He told his brother Fred to put the rooster on the chair, and he was going to sit on him and squish him! Fred grabbed the rooster and put him into the chair. Do you know what the rooster started singing?

(Lyrics: Belly, belly, belly, let out all the bees!)

Mr. Stingy Man had so many bees stinging him. He had to jump on one foot, jump up and down 5 times, and spin around 3 times, before that last bee left him (change to whatever motions you want—each time can be different.) And then he sat down very gently because he was very sore, and he told his brother Fred to take the rooster to his secret room, and open up the combination. (Have students recount the numbers.) Then, open up the safe and give him his silver dollar. And then he decided, “No, don’t just give him his silver dollar…give him all that money in that safe, because I have a lot of money and I don’t need it all.” So the rooster went to the room, opened up the safe with the numbers (recount the numbers) and opened up the safe. Then he started singing:

(Lyrics: Belly, belly, belly, suck up all the money!)

And he flew back to the farmer and gave him all that money. Now cover up your faces and show me how you think the farmer felt when he got all that money! (Students uncover their faces and show happy, surprised, etc. expressions.) Show me how you think the rooster felt when he realized Mr. Stingy Man took his silver dollar! And show me how you feel right now. The farmer felt very happy too, and they lived happily ever after.

I have not seen this story anywhere else, and I'm not sure where my coordinating teacher learned it, but it is always a HIT. I should say that I did adapt the story a bit, because in the original story I heard, the rooster takes the money without being told he can, so I made the story a little nicer. :)

Looking for more Kindergarten activities and lessons? Check out these sets:


What are your favorite Kindergarten activities? Feel free to comment below, and happy teaching!

Sunday, October 9, 2016
Data-Tracking in the Music Room

Data-Tracking in the Music Room

"Data" seems to such a buzz word lately in the education world. How well are students achieving? How much they have grown from year to year? And how does this apply to the music room?

Data-tracking in the music room: Strategies for making data-tracking easy and helpful! Includes a freebie for tracking data!

I first really delved into data when I first wrote my SLO, or student learning objective, a few years ago. I had never tracked data in such a specific way, and I admit, it was a bit scary! Since then, I've grown to really appreciate the information data can give me, and how it can improve my teaching!

So where to start with tracking data in your music room? Here are a few thoughts:

#1: Start with games!
Data-tracking doesn't mean you have to make your students take a pencil and paper test. Have them play a game to collect the information you need! Whether you play a solo singing game like "Come back home my little chicks" (notated in this blog post) or play a rhythm identification game like this freebie, you can collect data in a fun, engaging way...and kids will have no idea that's what you're doing!

#2: Try manipulatives
Manipulatives, like games, can be so much fun, AND a great way to collect data! Whether you are using popsicle stick rhythm manipulatives to see how well students can dictate patterns or songs, or solfa manipulatives to see how well students can hear melodic patterns, students can show you what they know in a very hands-on way! These can be done in a whole group or during centers.

#3: Have students perform
Whether you are having students play "Hot Cross Buns" on the recorder or play a steady beat bourdon on Orff instruments, you can gather a lot of information by observing their performance in music class. Again, they are not sitting with a paper and pencil, but are showing what they can do through performing!

#4: Try written assessments
As much as I've said that assessments don't need to be paper and pencil, sometimes that is the best way to collect the data you need. I find paper and pencil works well for anything involving music notation, as we want students to be able not only to identify correct music notation, but be able to demonstrate it themselves (such as writing rhythm patterns, dictating melodic patterns on the staff, etc.).
In my SLO blog post, I wrote about how I give ta and ti-ti pre-tests to students who have never seen ta and ti-ti. It seems really silly, for sure, BUT they have a sense of accomplishment when they are able to do so much better on the same assessment at the end of the year! It is also super interesting to see how students write patterns before they know ta and ti-ti, whether it be with lines, with hearts, or with numbers!

Now what do you do with the information?

#1: Whole group teaching
One of my favorite ways to address gaps in learning is to simply discuss the most common mistakes as a class. For example, if in a formative or summative assessment, a lot of students identified the pattern mi-re-do as sol-mi-do, you could talk about how they both go from high to low, but with the first pattern, the notes are a step away from each other instead of a skip. Students hear from you that their mistakes are understandable, but here is why they are incorrect. This can be very helpful and even empowering!

#2: Track the data
Once I've collected the data, now I can sit down and track it! This year, I created a data-tracking binder, shown below:

Data-tracking in the music room: Strategies for making data-tracking easy and helpful! Includes a freebie for tracking data!

I printed out a rhythmic and melodic page for each class, and put students' names in the correct box under "pre-test," on the page below (please note for the sake of privacy the names don't actually belong to any of my classes--I made the class up to demonstrate how it can be used):

Now I know which students need the most help, and which students perhaps need opportunities for more advanced learning! As the year progresses, I will keep tracking the data, and then can also track from year to year! I have created a free data-tracking binder; you can download by filling out the form below:

Free data-tracking binder!

Sign up for my list to receive my data-tracking binder!

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#3: Intervention
Now that I have a data-tracking binder, I use the binder to help organize students into heterogenous groups for centers. I will be trying to have a variety of learners in each group and then can pull students who are struggling to work with them one-on-one (like detailed in this blog post). This has been SO helpful in figuring out where each student's breakdown of understanding happens! I've seen some students go from developing to advanced just from me working with them one time. Other students, of course, still need quite a bit of individual help and still may struggle, but by sitting down with them, you can not only figure out what is confusing to them, but you can build a better relationship with each student!

Looking for more ways to track data? Try these sets:


What has worked for you with tracking data in the music classroom? Feel free to comment below, and happy teaching!
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Ten Tricks and Treats for Halloween in the Music Room

Ten Tricks and Treats for Halloween in the Music Room

Today, I'm blogging about ten tricks or treats for the music room...ten ways to integrate Halloween into your music lessons while engaging your students and improving their musicianship!

Ten tricks and treats for Halloween in the music room: ten fun activities to try in your elementary music lessons!

#1: Skin and Bones
This is truly one of my favorite folk songs for Halloween! Here is the notation:

This is a call/response song, with the first part being the call, and the "ooo" part being the response. Here are the additional verses:
  • She lived down by the old graveyard, ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo!
  • One night she thought she'd take a walk, ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo!
  • She walked down by the old graveyard, ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo!
  • She saw some bones a layin' around, ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo!
  • She went to the closet to get a broom, ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo!
  • She opened the door and BOO!
I learned a great game from my former colleague Jenna that my students love:  students lay on the ground with their eyes closed. As you sing, tap two students, who then go and hide! The rest of the students have to figure out who is missing.

A really wonderful way to extend understanding of the song is to use this set from David Row at Make Moments Matter:

I love all of David's favorite folk song sets...they are such a great way to bring a song to life!

#2: Halloween rhythm writing
If you love the dollar section at Target as much as I do, you'll appreciate this post by Amy Abbott about rhythm writing in the music room (click on the picture to read):

Ten tricks and treats for Halloween in the music room: ten fun activities to try in your elementary music lessons!

Amy also has these fun beat strips to practice rhythm during Halloween!

#3: Miss White
One of my favorite chants to use during Halloween is "Miss White":

Check out this freebie by Emily F to practice ta and ti-ti (please note that her version starts with "Missus" instead of "Miss," so there is a ti-ti at the beginning.

#4: Ghostie Dance
If you've ever bought any of Linda McPherson's games, you know how fun they are...and how much kids love them! This ghostie dance game is such a great way to practice and assess re!

#5: Brain breaks
A great way to integrate Halloween into your music lessons is to play freeze dance to some ghoulish music, like "Monster Mash," "Thriller," or "In the Hall of the Mountain King"! This file by I Heart Teaching Music is such a fun way to play freeze dance with your favorite piece of Halloween music!

#6: Listening lessons
...Which brings me to my next point: There are SO many great pieces of music to listen to this time of year! Check out this blog post about Halloween listening lessons in the music room. Here are some great sets to bring classical music into your Halloween music lessons:


#7: Bulletin boards
If you're looking for a cute way to bring Halloween into your music room decor, Tracy King's bulletin boards are always a hit! Check out her Halloween lines and spaces bulletin board:

#8: Vocal exploration
Halloween is such a great time for vocal exploration! At a book fair a few years ago, I found this wonderful little book:

As I read the book, I have students make their voices go high and low with their voices, like the ghosts, and also have them yell "Boo" in their head voices.
Check out this blog post for more ideas for vocal exploration during Halloween.

#9: Melodic and rhythmic practice
If you're looking to practice melodic and rhythmic concepts during Halloween, using songs students are singing this time of year (like "Naughty Kitty Cat" and "Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Round and Fat,") check out this fun worksheet set by Lindsay Jervis:

#10: Halloween lesson plans
Many years, I've created an entire lesson plan for each grade level revolving around Halloween. For example, with 1st grade, we can do "Miss White," explore our voices like ghosts, read "Ghosts in the House," keep the beat to "In the hall of the mountain king," and more! If you're looking for lesson plans that are already created, check out this set, which could work for any music teacher or for a sub!

What are your favorite songs and activities for Halloween? Feel free to comment below, and happy teaching!

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