Monday, May 14, 2018
Ukulele Centers in the Music Room

Ukulele Centers in the Music Room

I've been super excited to dive into ukulele this year, as I wrote about in this post. In today's post, I'm writing about something new I've tried recently: centers for ukulele!

Ukulele Centers in the Music Room: Ideas for implementing centers for ukulele in your music lessons

If you're wondering about centers in general, and how they should be set up, check out this post, as well as this helpful post by David Row at Make Moments Matter.

I typically set up four centers in my room, around the perimeter, and we rotate every five or so minutes, so that students can go to all of the centers. I like to have my centers all be focused on one concept, or one instrument, so all four of these centers were focused on ukulele!

In the centers I had students do the following:

Center #1: Students practiced several strumming patterns with a PowerPoint from my ukulele lessons set, with the C major chord. They advanced the slides themselves whenever they were ready to move on. Here is a picture of the PowerPoint:

And here is the ukulele lessons set:

Center #2: Students used these cards by David Row from Make Moments Matter, which you can view by clicking on the picture.

The cards were a great way to introduce students to some chords that we didn't have time to learn yet! Students choose a challenge card, then use the other cards to complete the challenge. You could also simply tell students to teach themselves a different chord by using the smaller cards with diagrams.

Center #3: Students finished these worksheets from my No Prep Ukulele worksheets (click the picture to see the worksheets in my store.)

On one side of the worksheet, they colored in all of the C major chords, and on the other side, they wrote silly sentences to match the names of the strings (the one they've learned from me is Aardvarks Eat Cool Grass, for AECG.)

Center #4: Students scanned a QR code on an iPad to be taken to this YouTube video by Bernadette Teaches Music. It's a really effective way to get them comfortable with the C major chord!

After they got done with the video, they could scan another code to be taken to the A minor chord playalong:

Check out Bernadette's YouTube channel; she has a TON of ukulele tutorial videos!

Here are the QR codes; feel free to take a screenshot and use them with your students!

C major:

A minor:

I actually had students watch these videos on something we have in our district called TangyTube, which takes out commercials. If you don't have something like that in your district, I suggest making Chrome the default browser on your devices and using this extension, so students don't have to watch any commercials.

Every 5 or so minutes, I played the wind chimes, and students rotated to the next center. I was able to float and help people one on one as needed! Because the sound of the ukulele is pretty pleasant, and because one of the centers didn't involve playing, it wasn't super noisy in my room. It was also awesome to see kids teaching themselves, teaching each other, and working at a pace comfortable to them.

Have you ever tried ukulele centers? Feel free to comment below, and happy teaching!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Quizizz in the Music Room

Quizizz in the Music Room

Recently, I took a class about different web apps to use in the classroom. During that class, I discovered Quizizz, and was immediately excited about the possibilities! In this post, I'll write about how to use Quizizz, how to create a Quizizz, and how to find quizzes I've made on the platform!

Quizizz in the music room: Includes what Quizizz is, how to find quizzes, how to create, and more! Great for formative assessment in the music room!

So what is Quizizz?
Quizizz is a website that allows students to take quizzes. It is similar to Kahoot (which I wrote about in this blog post) but you are allowed to give the quiz as homework, instead of having all students take it live. Additionally, the quiz doesn't have to be timed, and students can move onto the next question at their own pace instead of having to wait for all students to answer. Even better...students see a funny meme after they answer each question, like this one:

How do students take Quizizz?
I had students use iPads to take the quiz, but they can also use Chromebooks or smart phones. If you have limited technology in your room, you could have the students work in small groups and use as a formative assessment, or you could have them work in centers. My fifth graders were studying theme and variations, so I had two groups creating a variation with instruments, one group respond in writing to a theme and variations recording in writing, and the last group play the theme and variations Quizizz on iPads. Since I only have 8 iPads, this worked perfectly! I've also created band quizzes and have given them out as homework over Schoology.

How do you see the results?
Simply click on "reports," and you can see how accurate each student was, and how many points they had (which is partly based on their speed, if you had timed questions.) You can also email the quiz results to parents, which is a pretty neat feature! It was really interesting for me to see the results for my theme and variations quizizz...because the kids didn't do nearly as well as I thought they would! It can give you some great data about what students need review with, what they understand well, etc.

How do you find music Quizizz?
Click "find a quiz" on the left, then type into the search bar. I recommend being more specific than "music," because the quizzes I found with that search had everything from naming pop songs to naming notes on the treble clef staff.
I will warn you that there aren't a ton of music quizziz at this point. I have created one for theme and variations, one for musical symbols, and several for different band instruments. To see my elementary music quizziz, click here, and to see my elementary band quizziz, click here.

Creating a Quizziz
Here is a helpful tutorial about creating and/or duplicating and then editing a Quizziz:

I hope this has been helpful! My students have loved using Quizizz...I hope yours do too! Please comment below if you have created a Quizizz, so we can use it too! Happy creating, and happy teaching!

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